Web hosting is one of the most vital parts of bringing a website to life. Without it, a website will not be accessible to the online world.

Essentially, hosting is a server providing space on the Internet for a website’s files; however, there’s much more to it than just bringing a website to life. A web hosting service not only gets your website online but it also manages your files, logs, domains, databases, security, and email.

Types of Hosting

There are three basic types of hosting: Shared Server, Virtual Private Server (VPS), and Dedicated Server.

Shared Hosting

A Shared Hosting plan is when a hosting service stores multiple websites on one server, sharing each others bandwidth and disc space. This is often the most inexpensive hosting options; however, the website’s load speeds are affected by other websites on the server.

VPS Hosting

With VPS Hosting, a server is dedicated for a smaller group of websites allotting each with their own resources that are not shared by other websites. This is one of the best options as the website is not sharing any resources and loading will not be affected from other websites.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated Hosting plans are for the biggest and secure websites on the web. Like the name sounds, it’s one dedicated server for one website. Easily the most expensive, dedicated hosting plans are the fastest and most dependable options when it comes to hosting a website.