Some companies still do not have a website. And yes, it is 2017.

In fact, up to a third of small business owners don’t have one, according to a survey reported on March 15, 2017 by Stuart Varney on Fox Business.

The main reasons why? Varney gives 3 explanations:

1. They use social media instead

Although it is ill-advised, a small company could technically get away with just having a social media presence – and many do. A Facebook page alone can easily host contact information, updates, and even a store. All things a website is known for. This is one of the reasons why TyTech offers social media management and marketing services.

While only having a social media presence may be a great, inexpensive option for starting out, it is not necessarily the best one for long-term security and growth. Most business owners value control, so why would they give it all up to a few social media conglomerates that may one day be acquired, disbanded, or even shut down all together? Hey, if it can happen to MySpace, it can happen to anybody.

Control your online presence with a website on a self-hosted domain.

2. They don’t have the knowledge to start a site

Fair enough. Creating, launching, and maintaining a website can seem like a daunting task, especially for those not comfortable with modern technology. That is why companies like TyTech Solutions exist. If you don’t have the time to learn how to do it yourself, and chances are you don’t if you are running a business, then a small investment can make a huge difference in the chances for success.

3. They don’t feel it is relevant to their industry

While not true at all, this is one of the reasons Varney gave in his television broadcast. Any business that is in business would benefit from owning a website. If you need to make a profit to stay in existence, it is relevant to your industry. This should be self-explanatory in today’s world, but it seems it is not.

Are you one of these business owners that do not own a website? Do you agree with the reasons given for not having one? Let us know in the comments or by contacting us directly!